My curiosity was tickled when I first heard “fit-fam” used in

sentence online. Before I could blink twice, I was using “fit-fam” 

in many hastags.

The other day I was conversing with a friend who brought up the 

fact that Nigerians love to snack. It was said as a complaint but

immediately started to list the things we love to eat on the go and 

her next comment was ‘ahn aha, how we no go fat?!’

This got me thinking on healthy alternatives some of us could 

snack on in Nigeria that are also readily available. Here are some

fitfam options for you to try;


This option is a favourite of mine. While I was in the university, 


could, I would buy some and scramble eggs to eat it with for 

lunch. Plantains contain high amount of starch and energy, 

minerals such as: iron, potassium and phosphorus with great 

amounts of dietary fibre, vitamins C and B.  The fact that no oil is 

added in its preparation gives it its extra point on the fit-fam board.

Available on street corners and from road side vendors, this sweet 

treat is always a yes on my end!

 Image gotten from


When in season, this treat comes in two variants; roasted or 

boiled. Usually sold alongside roasted plantain, this snack packs

its own share of vitamins and minerals. This snack is also readily 

available and very pocket friendly. Packed in nylons or bottles 

this is definitely the definition of on the go

Image gotten from

·         CORN
This beauty is also readily available in two variants; boiled or 

roasted. This treat is packed full with dietary fibre, starch, 

protein and potassium. When in season, this snack can be found 

roasting or boiling by roadsides. Corn is known to be very 


and therefore a great investment.

Image gotten from

·         CARROTS
For those who prefer the option of packing snacks, carrots are 

snacks you could store and pack in a bag the next day when 

heading out. This crunchy snack packs dietary fibre, beta-


antioxidant agents, potassium, iron… the list goes on. Snacking on

carrots gives your skin a glow to it so hey! What are you waiting 


Image gotten from

·         SMOOTHIES
In the spirit of homemade snacks, I present to you this delicious 

treat - smoothies! I’m sure you can sense the excitement as I type 

these words. I love smoothies! This blend of fruits makes for a 

delicious, refreshing and nutritious drink. You can be creative and 

mix just as many fruits as you would like. Also feel free to add 

yogurts and nuts. Drinking this can keep you full for hours.

Image gotten from

What are your favourite on the go snacks that can be put under the "fit-fam" category? Tell me in the comment section.


  1. Very informative, Thanks for this tips

    1. Thank you Yehmah for your comment! At your service.


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