Yam Pottage

Yam Pottage is definitely a go to food when I'm craving spicy and don't have much strength for anything with too much preparation needed.

I made this because I had a cold and wasn't in the mood for pepper soup. I made this one with dry fish and a similar version with diced gizzard. Really any protein can go!

Ingredients (2 servings)
- Less than a quarter tuber of yam

- palm oil (2 cooking spoons)

- Dried fish (2 medium sized)

- Ground crayfish (1 cooking spoon)

- Fresh habanero pepper (red pepper: half cooking spoon )

- Fresh scent leaves (about 8 leaves would suffice)

- onions (half of a whole)

- salt (to taste)

- seasoning cubes (2)

You can add;
- dried shrimp
- diced gizzard, beef, boneless chicken e.t.c
- shredded beef
- stock fish
- mushrooms

- peel and cut yam into small pieces.

- wash yam pieces, put in a clean pot and add enough water to cover the yam pieces

- allow to boil then add crayfish, dried fish (washed and deboned) , salt, seasoning cubes and chopped onions. Boil till yam is soft

- Add palm oil and crushed peppers then allow to boil till yam is very soft.

- Roughly chop scent leaves, add, stir and turn off heat. Allow to sit for for some minutes then serve hot.

This meal is usually eaten alone but you can serve is you deem fit heck! It's your plate!

Let me know how this turns out in your kitchen!


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